DoorLife Property Management Spotlight: Ed Fordyce
New Year, Same Us
For us the phrase, “New Year, New You” is not something we plan on applying to our business. Controversial, I know. But the truth is, with all the change that constantly occurs in the real estate market, we have found that the key to success and happiness is staying true to our core beliefs of putting our clients’ best interests first and being a positive resource and impact for others and our local community. So while, yes, we do constantly push ourselves to grow and be/expand the best version of ourselves, it is all with the same intent and vision. This is the foundation in which our team was built on and a large factor of the interview process to join DoorLife Property Management and our sister company, The Moore Maguire Team. Our Co-Founders, Local Realtors and Investors, Brad Moore and Alison Maguire are unwavering in their commitment to keeping this mindset and principle as we continue to grow. Someone that throughout our journey has really played a pivotal role in keeping us in alignment with our greater purpose is, Ed Fordyce.

More Than Just a Title
“Force For Good” that’s Ed’s brand and to be honest simply just who he is. Ed Fordyce is a Transformational Speaker who “mentors top performers to avoid burn out, continue to grow with a compelling purpose, and make their lives a masterpiece.” Within this is a whole umbrella of services such as Strategic Partnerships, The Inspired Tribe, Speaking/Workshops, and Real Estate Coaching, which we are a part of all of them. Ed’s not like those “Motivational Speakers” you see on youtube or hear in a podcast. And that’s not to bash any of those types of speakers or recordings, trust me we listen to those as well, but there is a meaningful depth to the way that Ed is able to open up a room. He is real, raw, and unapologetically unfiltered. Ed is so effective at what he does because he comes from a place of realness and experience that you have no choice but to respect and admire. He doesn’t preach rainbows and butterflies and just throw positive affirmations at you (however you will get some of those). You tell Ed your vision and he will help you see your path and help you find it in you to conquer all the bends and twists that come with it.

More Than Inspiration
If you are someone who has big dreams or is just trying to find a way to stay afloat, having someone to act as not only a sounding board, ally, or mentor can be a great resource to actually getting you to that next step.
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Cited Source: https://www.edfordyce.com/